Monday, 7 May 2012

A decent week of training

As I lay in bed with a cup of tea and my iPad on Bank Holiday morning I am considering last week's training - all in all a decent week - I would say that I was able to complete 90% of the schedule as instructed but certainly got the hours in - nearly 15 hours in total.

Sat / Sun was a bit of a wash out with the weather but I think we are all getting used to that. After my Saturday club swim I managed a 1:48 off-road run up on the muddy South Downs. My legs were a little fatigued but I still got in a 3 hour cycle yesterday with the boys. It was quite cold and wet and needed all the winter clothing including rubber overshoes and thick gloves. Despite all the gear I still got cold and damp and after 3 hours had had enough. The plan was to do 4 hours although I did do an extra couple of rides during the week so had the time in the saddle covered.

The only session I missed completely was the open water swim on Thursday. Hopefully we can get in the lake this Thursday.

Great to see a number of my Club mates competing in the Steyning triathlon yesterday. We planned our Sunday bike ride to go via Steyning and I enjoyed watching a little of the event - one of the first in the season. Lots of first timers trying it out, which is also interesting - triathlon is becoming a very popular sport and I am very pleased to be part of it.

A bit of a rest day today. Supposed to be swimming tonight but I think the pool is shut because of the bank holiday. Nice to rest the legs and get some DIY done - long list!

This week is interesting in that I have hard test sets separated by some rest days and then on Saturday a DIY half ironman distance set to complete - what fun.

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