So the plan was a 1:30 run over a flat to undulating route in Z1-2, possibly up to Z3 on the hills. I parked the car at the office and headed off to the seafront through the Marina and then via the cliff underpass to around Saltdean when I climbed to the top of the cliffs for the more undulating return to the centre of Brighton.
As I started the run I realised it was best not to monitor my pace as my body told me not to push it - result of recent training - so I focussed on my HR data. I also question my nutrition strategy - I went out with some friends last night for a local Charity quiz evening, which involved some 'fish & chips' and a beer - very nice but probably not the best fueling for a run the next morning. Then because of the early start I decided not to eat anything before the run. I also forgot my running bottle and energy drink, which I normally take for runs longer than an hour.
So the recent accumulation of training and lack of decent nutrition was not probably the best preparation for the session this morning - not surprising that I found it a bit of an effort.
Saying that, I still did it, run cadence was good (above 85 spm) and after a bit of fueling when I returned to the office I felt OK.
Tonight is a high cadence set on the turbo and tomorrow a Club Swim. Sunday a 3:30 Z2 ride with 20 mins transition run - it's all go!
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