Wednesday, 4 April 2012

Yet another Ironman distance swim

After commuting home on the TT bike (another 55mins in the saddle) I quickly got down some food and an hour later was in the pool. Given the 'Big Bike' week I was hoping for an easy swim but discovered the Coach had other plans. The set was as follows:

100m, 200m, 300m, 400m
2x 100m, 2x 200m, 2x 300m, 2x 400m
100m, 200m, 300m, 400m

4km in total. 20 second rest between each set. Fortunately it was at IM pace - I was doing about 1:45 on the 100s going up to 7:15 - 7:20 on 400s, so pretty consistent. I still have to try really hard on the hand entry, not letting the hand point up putting the brakes on. Also I would like to increase the cadence (arm tempo). I have been successful improving the cadence in my running but the Coach confirmed it is a lot harder to do it in the swim - more practice needed!

The good news is that I have completed 2 Ironman swims in the last fortnight.

Tomorrow is supposed to be an easy day - 50 min run - Ironman race pace.

Other good news - Matt (see blog entry below) is back home from hospital - an amazing recovery so far, albeit a few weeks of recovery required. I hope to go to visit him soon.

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