Another long swim last night - The Coach asked me to jump into lane 1 yet again to swim with all the athletes in the Club that have entered an Ironman this year. He set us off with a 1,000m warm up mixing in some breakstroke and backstoke. Thereafter it was 10x 50m, 10x 100m and 5x 200m - the first 5x of the 50m and 100m was normal front crawl (FC) all the rest including the 200m sets was with paddles and pull-buoys.
As with previous IM distance swims like this it wasn't long before the faster swimmers were lapping me but I kept a decent enough pace and hung on to the back. By the time the fastest swimmers had completed the 3 sets and warm-up totalling 3.5km I was nearer to 3.2-3.3km (to be honest I lost count a little).
What I was pleased about was that with some 15-20 minutes left the Coach then instructed us to complete 5x 100m (50m fast - head down, smaller number of breaths - anaerobic stuff; followed by a very slow 50m). His last words to us before we set off was 'I want you to really commit to the first 50'.
With the thoughts of my previous blog in my mind about not going hard enough I decided to 'Commit to the 50'. In fact before each of the fast 50m sets I would shout out 'Commit', which helped me to get in the right zone and work hard.
Anyway, it all felt good. With a 100m cool-down at the end I expect I managed another pool session of 3.8km, so getting use to the distance I need to complete on the 1st July.
Have the next workout tonight - 1 hour on the bike (turbo time) then a 20 min transition run. the main part of the session is a 30 min test at 'Lactate Threshold' again - another opportunity to 'Commit'.
Friday - rest day!
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