I shouldn't beat myself up because it is the off-season and my Ironman training does not officially begin until the 5th December (30 weeks to IM Austria), however the training this week is a little all over the place.
Sunday was not too bad. I had to take my son to rugby training so my preferred long ride was not on the agenda. Not to worry - on with the trainers and an easy 16km off-road run on the Downs listening to my favourite triathlon podcast (more on this later) was just the ticket. Monday ended up with a simple 30 mins on the rollers - that was fun! - I borrowed some rollers from a friend and am enjoying trying them out. However, you do have to concentrate all the time, which I found out to my peril on Monday - it is easy to fall off!
Work was pretty full on yesterday so training took a back seat. A shame because there was an opportunity for some run training with the Tri Club on the track (a fortnightly session), which I was unable to attend.
Anyway, today is looking a little better - a 30 min tempo run this morning along Brighton sea-front. The plan was a 2km easy warm up, then 3km at above race-speed (pace: 4:30min to 4:45min per km), followed by a 1-2km cool down. I managed to complete as planned. The intention is to increase the length of time at above race-speed over the coming weeks.
Tonight, is the Club Swim and a longer session (1.5 hours). Our Coach always has some good quality swim workouts planned.
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