It is during these club sessions that you value the network of friends and like-minded individuals around you. I personally believe it to be the single most important factor to why I have enjoyed and stuck with sport. Anyone trying to take on all the training involved for an Ironman without such a network is going to find it considerably harder.

Since joining the Club I have been most fortunate to get to know a great bunch of individuals, many of whom are good friends. In addition the Club benefits from a professional Coach (Mark Tickner) who is not only an elite swimmer and master spinning instructor but a sub 10 hour Ironman (PB: 9:23:56). I will be referring to Mark in future posts when I discuss training plans, coaching and training camps.
Meanwhile, I will leave you with links to both my Club and details of our Coach:
Horsham Amphibians Triathlon:
Coach4Tri (Mark Tickner):

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